Built in the late 1960s, the original school building consists of the primary wing, main wing and administrative and therapy rooms. Later additions to the school site now house part of KS1, Middle School and Land Based Studies departments. As well as generic classrooms, we also have a dedicated science laboratory, Design and Technology workshop, Food Technology kitchen, Art workshop, Life skills room, Sensory rooms, mini libraries within classrooms and glasshouse from which we run our “We Grow” enterprise. Facilities outside include 3 playgrounds, 2 forest school areas, reception hut and pond area.
About Us
Pastoral Care and Support
We provide high levels of learner support in small groups and offer flexible placements in partnership with mainstream schools. All learners are members of a “house” and meet together regularly. The house system is based upon the elements – Earth (Green), Fire (Red), Air (Yellow) and Water (Blue). Learners also belong to a tutor group, named after a British city, and for the majority of our learners their tutor team (comprising a teacher and 2 support staff) will be the main pastoral contacts. For some learners, additional support is provided by our support advisors, intervention workers and also by the Heads of School.
Healthy Schools
Good health is vital and healthy eating, being one of many contributors to this, can influence physical, mental and social well-being.
At Westhaven School, we are dedicated to helping promote good physical and emotional health by providing accessible and relevant information and equipping learners with the skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their health.
Our intent:
● To promote a whole school approach to a healthy lifestyle
● To encourage children and staff to make informed decisions on a healthy lifestyle based on positive attitudes and information
● To promote safe working and playing relationships and environment both inside and outside of school
● To provide high quality physical education as part of a lifelong healthy lifestyle
● To provide children and staff with the opportunities to make informed choices about a healthy lifestyle based on current information and liaison with outside agencies
● To help children develop greater confidence, motivation, self-esteem and have the skills, information and understanding to make important life and health choices