Skills for Independence
Westhaven’s Skills for Independence curriculum’s intent is to prepare learners for adulthood; inspiring independence and equipping learners with the essential skills to manage their future, improving their ability for living safely.
The Skills for Independence curriculum has been developed to enable Westhaven learners to play an active role in their community and wider society and to thrive in an increasingly complex world. It encompasses skills and strategies set out by the Autism Education Trust, the Parent Educational Advocacy Training Centre, and a variety of education and healthcare professionals. Most importantly, the curriculum has been developed to encompass our own Westhaven learners’ ideas and vision for their future.

The Skills for Independence planning framework is organized into six areas of learning:
Work is evidenced through the use of Evidence for Learning. All learners have access to a selection of word mats linked to each of the six areas of learning.
Lesson allocation per week:
KS1 = 1.5 hours
KS2 = Between 1 and 1.5 hours
KS3 prepare to learn = 1.5 hours
KS3 ready to learn = 1 hour
KS4 prepare to learn = 2 hours
Year 10 = 3/4 of an hour
Year 11 = 1.5 hours
W6 = 1.75 hours