Jamie Peacock
Headteacher’s Welcome
A welcome from the Headteacher

Welcome to the Westhaven School website, I hope you find all the information about what is happening in our school and the wide range of learning opportunities that we provide useful and informative. If you cannot find what you are looking for please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via reception@westhavenschool.org.uk or telephone 01934 632171.
Westhaven School is a specialist school, with a unique environment set in the beautiful village of Uphill near Weston-super-Mare, for learners who experience barriers to learning. We support learners between 4 and 18 years of age and celebrate their achievements, efforts and accomplishments. This ensures a shared sense of achievement, with learners developing and enhancing their self-confidence, self-esteem and overall well-being.
Westhaven School believes and adheres to a learner-centered approach and we strive to provide an aspirational educational provision that goes beyond the National Curriculum. Our learners are afforded opportunities to build friendships, show and receive respect, feel valued, and be accepted for who they are whilst achieving a sense of belonging.
Westhaven School works closely with other organisations and external professionals to meet learners’ needs and develop their next steps. We ensure that our learners, staff, parents/carers, and Governors feel valued, inspired and prepared.
The Westhaven community, supported by a dedicated governing body, is committed to providing each learner with a positive and fulfilling educational experience from the moment they join the school until they leave. In order that we maintain our respected status in the community, all stakeholders work together and have contributed to creating ‘ The Westhaven Way’ which is the golden thread that binds us together.
Our vision
Click on the link: Valued – Inspired – Prepared
Our values
We shape our learners to be:
- Safely independent
- Confident communicators
- Respectful citizens
- Resilient learners
- Inquisitive thinkers
Our ethos
Click on the link: The Westhaven Way
We are all extremely proud of our school, the achievements and outcomes of our learners and the expertise and professionalism of our staff. We understand how important choosing the right school is and so we would like to extend an invitation to visit our school and experience the unique and family atmosphere and the quality of education that we offer.