Latest news
Our Governing Body has been carefully reviewing its options to become an academy and it has decided to consult with parents, carers, staff and other stakeholders, on whether Westhaven School should become an academy and join a new MAT called Achieve Multi Academy Trust. We have been working very closely with four other schools in […]
Upper Schoolers Hit the “Road” (Well, School Yard) for First Driving Lessons! Our upper school learners took their first steps towards getting behind the wheel today, navigating the twists and turns of the school yard in dual-control cars! With experienced instructors guiding them, the learners practiced basic maneuvers, getting a feel for the pedals and […]
On the 10th June 2024 as part of volunteer week, middle and upper school council members did a litter pick around Uphill and the local beach.The school council members did an amazing job!
I am really excited to be sharing with you the news of our PE fundraiser that is happening this term. On Friday 17th May Westhaven School is being visited by a former World Champion discus thrower. James Tomlinson is visiting our school to give an inspirational assembly to our middle and upper school learners about […]
The UK Safer Internet Centre (UK SIC) is pleased to announce that Lightspeed Systems, Netsweeper and Smoothwall are the first filtering systems to be accredited under the new filtering accreditation scheme provided by the UK SIC. At Westhaven School, we use Smoothwall for filtering and monitoring so we were pleased to learn that our cybersecurity […]