Breakfast Club takes place every morning between 8.30 and 8.45 am and juice, toast, beans, cheese and cereals are available. There is currently no charge for breakfast.
Lunch is prepared on the premises and served in the school hall. From January 2022, we are in-house caterers. Dinner money is collected via ParentPay. Arrangements can be made for learners requiring a special diet for health or religious reasons. Learners may bring packed lunches if they prefer, to be eaten in the hall. Please ensure any drinks are stored in unbreakable containers. Packed lunches should include a well-balanced lunch with no fizzy drinks. All learners remain on the premises at lunchtimes. There are a variety of activities available for all learners at lunchtimes, these may include: quiet games, “chill out” club, watching a DVD, reading, computer games or activities in the classroom.
School lunches cost £2.40 per meal to include a main course and dessert.
Any child attending a North Somerset school whose parents or carers receive one or more of these benefits is entitled to receive free meals at school:
- child tax credit, provided your annual income as assessed by HM Revenue and Customs does not exceed £16,190. If you receive working tax credit you will not be entitled unless you’re in receipt of a four-week run-on
- guarantee element of state pension credit
- income support
- income-based job seekers allowance
- income-related employment support allowance
- support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- universal credit
Applying for free School meal
You can apply online to get an instant result. If you are eligible, your entitlement will begin on the day you apply. Click here to go to the North Somerset Free school meal application page.
If you are already in receipt of FSM, please do not reapply as this can invalidate your previous entitlement. If you need to update your address or details with fsm, please email with the information.