All learners who attend Westhaven have an EHCP. The four specialist schools in North Somerset are all unique and offer a different and distinct provision tailored to specific needs within their areas of expertise.
Nature of needs met at Westhaven Special School
Primary needs
- Learning difficulties, generally in the range of moderate learning difficulties (that cannot be met in a mainstream setting and additional associated needs).
- Adaptations to the curriculum required to enable access, despite suitable modifications, may fail to attain the age-appropriate level.
Associated needs may include
- Autistic Spectrum Condition (Mild-Moderate)
Mild autism:
- Generally has less significant challenges with communication and social interactions compared to moderate or severe.
- May have fluent speech, but still struggles in conversations and relating to peers.
- Can succeed academically, especially with some learning support.
- Able to function fairly well in daily activities with some guidance or accommodations.
- May have intense interests and display repetitive behaviours.
Moderate autism:
- More noticeable social and communication challenges than mild.
- Speech may be limited or absent. Requires support to have conversations.
- Difficulties with flexibility, changes in routine, and relating to others are more pronounced.
- Often has a need for more extensive learning and educational support.
- Independent living skills typically require more ongoing assistance and guidance.
- Repetitive behaviours may be more frequent and disruptive.
- The distinctions between mild and moderate can be subjective at times, but generally relate to the type and intensity of support needed for the individual to function, learn, and communicate effectively. Diagnosis also factors in other developmental and intellectual abilities of the person.
- Speech, Language, and Communication Needs
- Moderate Learning Needs that cannot be met in a mainstream setting
- Associated behavioural needs as a result of the primary need not being met, they are unable to communicate clearly how they are feeling, with the correct approach and within a smaller setting these behaviours should be reduced.
Admission Procedure for Westhaven Special School
All admissions to Westhaven are determined by the Local Authority (LA) following consultation with the school.
- The learners’ current school or provision holds an annual review and a change of placement is requested during this process. (For year 6 transfers the local authority recommends that requests for placement changes for the following September are made in the first term.)
- The local authority consults with Westhaven school, sending copies of the EHCP and any accompanying appendices to the school.
- The senior and middle leadership teams discuss the needs and provision required.
- The headteacher (on behalf of the governing body) decides as to whether the acceptance of the learner is appropriate. This is returned to the local authority. At times a learner is visited at their current placement to gain further information. Decisions are made based on:
- The nature of the learners’ needs.
- The number of learners able to access Westhaven school.
- The compatibility with the learners currently placed at Westhaven school.
- The local authority informs parents and carers of the decision.
- Appeals are dealt with by the Local Authority
North Somerset Admissions Appeal Process
Visiting Westhaven Special School
If you are considering Westhaven School for your child we strongly recommend you visit us for a tour.
Please see information on tours and complete our tour request form:
For more information please see your school’s SENDCO or contact the North Somerset SEND team: